Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4 2012 - City on our Knees

Let me start by asking you a question...

If you have a job that you really like and you were injured in a manner that would prevent you from doing that job, what would you do?

During my 10 years in the fire service I never really thought about the chance for extreme injury. I knew that it could happen, because it did to several friends of mine over the years, but never really to me. So what would I do, as it seems in many of my other posts so far, I don't know. I think this blog is taking on a persona of its own, and it is based on facts of things I do not know. I will tell you this, I would have had an issue not being able to go to work everyday and from there I don't know. I can't sit for too long, so at some point I would have had to get up and do something for myself, but what would that something be.

Now, consider this!!! You are a teenage sensation that has the whole world at his/her hands. You are the best in what you do (athletics for this topic) and while you enjoy tremendous success in your sport, you have issues with friends at school treating you bad because they are jealous of you. Would you overcome a career ending injury by putting together a massive children's organization designed to provide children with terminal diseases a place to go and get away from "being sick". Would you donate most of your winnings to this cause, give up all materialistic behaviors and be ordained a nun.

Today's reading in TobyMAC's book City on our Knees reports the life of teenage tennis sensation Andrea Jaeger. After incurring a shoulder injury that ended up pushing her out of the sport she had been so successful at, she starting the Silver Lining Foundation and now operates a 2 million dollar per year foundation helping terminal ill children. Scripture at the end of the story is particularly interesting. Citing the Message Translation

"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life." (Galatians 6:4-5)

January 4 2012 - A Promise of Generation

Just got done with a quick workout on the treadmill, and during my time on the treadmill I was watching one of my favorite TV's shows via a DVD set that my wife gave me many years ago. In this episode, one of the main characters was to return to her high school reunion and give a speech entitled a promise of a generation.

Could I give a speech entitled A Promise of A Generation...the answer, No. In fact, I had to look up what generation I am actually considered to be in, and the results were staggering. I am a Generation X/Y. I am born in a period that is loosely shaped when it comes to the definition of a generation. I was looking at another blog, that was quoting another blog and she was forced to look it up herself. After several attempts to categorize herself, she also had to put herself in a loosely defined generational community because of this gap of true understanding. So being known as the MTV Generation, or a generation that spend the majority of childhood in the 80's, and teens in the 90's, I know that my promise may be different from those that share my generational category.

It would be very easy (and I was about to do it) to go on a political rant and say that our generation was going change the world, even more than our predecessors did; however, while I love politics, I am not making this a political blog (we all know there are enough of those). Instead of giving a speech on the Promise of a Generation, I would be willing to only make a speech on my Promise to my Generation. But still, what is my promise? If you look back at my posts from a couple of days ago, I made my promise to do what is right. What is right for any situation. What is right for my family. What is right for my faith. I have long said that my purpose in my faith is to build a stronger individual that is able to live up to the expectations of my God. My purpose in being right for my family is to be an engaged husband and father that is available to my family, and willing to grow with my family.

My promise to my generation is this, I will do my best in all things I do to make sure that I am a positive attribute to others, to do good for others, and to be the best on Earth that I can. I must take this one day at a time, and one interaction at a time and with Our Lord's help I can.

Take Care and Stay Safe

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 - Stability

Last night, I had the privilege of taking the kids to the University of Tennessee Basketball game versus the Tennessee Chattanooga. What made this even more special is the fact that we were able to take Ronda for her first post surgical Alumni Game. Ronda had brought it to my attention, as well as a couple of other people, that the UT Football program was now looking for a new grouping of defensive coaches. Being a huge UT Athletics fan, I wondered what would bring stability to the men's program. In the past week, the news has covered the release of a student athlete, and two high profile coaches leaving the program. Reporters maintain speculation, sports talk show hosts put posts on their websites about the internal discourse of the UT program, yet UT remains one of the most profitable programs in the Nation.

Now, imagine for me if you will, put the same issues in the home of each of us. Parents versus parents, parents versus child, child versus parent, with key players asking to be let loose before their contracts are up (kids saying they can't wait to leave, or parents splitting in the battles of divorce) and you will have a situation very similar to that of the University of Tennessee, the only different is they are playing a sport and making multiple millions per year, and we are living life and hopefully making a prevailing wage.

As I mentioned, I am not looking to create resolutions for 2012 as I typically break them by this point in the year (isn't that awful that I can't make it past three days) and looking at making sure that what I do is Right. My basis for 2012 is strongly rooted in my faith and my family and I will make sure that I remain firmly planted and growing in that direction. The best thing about it, is that I already have a great foundation built from blessings that have bestowed upon me a great wife, and wonderful children.

My wife provided me two books which I have been reading. One, is written by Toby Mac, christian singer that is called City on our Knees, and the second is a devotional journal that I have been using during the week as soon as I get to work. Previously, I would quote scripture on my Facebook account and would get responses, but now I am going to post my spiritual journey on here as I grow and learn in the Lord, and deepen my relationship with my family.

I know that I will have fun on this journey

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, 2012 - Just Because

So right now it is late morning on 2 Jan 2012, and we are getting revved up for a busy day. Aren't they all busy days anymore. Today is the last day off before Ronda and I head back to work, and not sure if I am looking forward to the ramping up for a new schedule. Tried to get the kids on to bed a little earlier last night then we have been, and we are going to have to do the same for the rest of the week as we get ready to take them back to school as well.

This morning is a short blog as I am just going to get back into writing a little bit and will try to get on here daily to blog about know me.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Right and Wrong in 2012

Just 23 hours and 38 minutes ago, my wonderful wife and beautiful wife were celebrating the entry of 2012 into our lives. This was the first year that Mr. B was able to celebrate the New Year experience, and I believe he was taken back a little by the bubbles in the Sparking Grape Juice (certainly not what he is used to). Alyssa was participating in the New Year celebration as she has for the last couple of years, and her only joy was drinking out of the good glasses, not to mention she loves the grape juice.

2011 was a good year for our family, with ups and downs of course, but good for all of us. After taking on a new positions in the career department, I have been able to spend loads more time with each member of our family which has been an absolute positive for me, and certainly a positive (I would hope) for everybody else.

If you look back at the minimal number of posts that I have placed on here over the years since starting, you will notice that I have placed some of my previous New Years resolutions like many people do this time of year. I thought that if I would place them in a public place, I would be held more accountable, and therefore more likely to complete them. However, just like most New Year's resolutions, they turn up to simply be letters on a page. 2012 is going to be a great year for our family. Looking forward to the different avenues that we have taken, it looks like the future is going to remain blessed. Our family has been tremendously blessed by the Lord, and he continues to give extraordinarily to use. One of the biggest gifts has been the blessing of understanding children. This year, Ronda and I took on a program from our Church called the Advent Conspiracy. Not knowing what all was going to be involved, we went in with open hearts, and boy were we shocked. For those of you who don't know, the Advent Conspiracy is movement towards removing the commercialization of Christmas out of our hearts, and replacing it with the true meaning of the season. Removing the need to worship a commercial deity, and replacing it with the Almighty. We knew that we could focus ourselves more on that this year, but how were the family members going to take it, and most importantly, how were our children going to take it.

Christmas has been a big deal in my life, and in the life of my wife. Since the birth of our oldest child over 8 years ago, my wife and I have ensured that our children received the blessings of a wonderful Christmas as well, even when that meant being out at all hours of the morning trying to catch the best deal. When our second child was born, and he experienced so many medical problems so early in life, we wanted to make sure they both were blessed with extraordinary Christmas seasons. However, when faced with the Advent Conspiracy, and the need to bless as many people as we can, our children Just Got it. This was excellent. Alyssa focused on collecting money to help those in need, and was able to collect her goal, and when you as Little B what he has in his heart, thinking he would say blood, and he says Jesus, HOW WONDERFUL.

So instead on focusing on inherently flawed resolutions, that are bound to be forgetting in mere days, I will focus my New Year's Resolutions for this year on simply doing what is right in 2012.

1. Doing what is right for my wife and children.
2. Educating myself more on doing what is right to help the most number of people.
3. Doing what is right for those that depend on me through the Church.
4. Simply DOING RIGHT.

By doing right by other people, and doing so in a positive manner, I hope that I can affect others to do what is right and spread the joy.

2012, ready for the challenge.

Monday, August 8, 2011

...ok, so I'm a little behind.

Wow, a year and a half. That is how long it has been since my last blog to this site, and while a year and a half doesn't seem like a lot, I can assure you that a lot has been done in that time.

Over the past year and a half, my daughter has accomplished two championships with her T-ball team, participated in more 3 dance recitals, and has moved from second to third grade. Brayden is growing like a weed, and is getting ready to enter his second year of the Children's Day Out program at our church and he is excited about getting to go back. Ronda and I have continued to grow, and have been able to spend more time together as I have changed careers.

The biggest thing that this has allowed us to do is grow our faith, and bond as a family through use of our devotions. We started by selecting a dinner time devotional and that has helped us talk more openly about God, and what he means to us as a family.

Now, we see where the next year and a half takes us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Future

As I was reminded by my wife that I haven't submitted a blog to my site in forever, I noticed the past posts that I had on here including those regarding my new year's resolutions for 2009. I must say that as we have moved on to 2010, I failed miserably. There were a couple of key things that I put in my 2009 resolutions which included:

1. More dedication and attention to my family
2. Attention to personal health
3. Semi-annual vacations
4. Personal Savings
5. Completion of construction projects.

I have failed to spend more time with my family, in fact there was a lot of times that I was away working multiple jobs, so I am going to continue working on the family dedication which was wonderful tonight as we turned off the lights, the tv, the computers, and ate by candles and played for hours with just toys and each other. Tonight was a great night to be with family as we look outside at the white of the previous nights snow.

2. I think that I spent much of my time overlooking my health in an attempt to learn more about others health and how to fix it. I am going to work on my weight and health on a regular basis, but do it in a manner that will not overtake my life or discourage me so that I stay on track.

3. Had a great vacation with our family this year as we were able to get away from everything including the United States. Didn't make it on a second vacation, but working on it. And this goes with number 4 as well. Going to work on being debt free as quick as possible. My wonderful wife, my only current subscriber to this blog, bought me a wonderful series of text from Dave Ramsey to work on eliminating our debt to be able to do more of the stuff that we want to do. I'm in. Gotta work through the budgeting and start saving the money.

5. Got some projects done, damaged others and committed to some more. We are going to make it though.

2010 is going to be a good year at the Blevins home. Hope it will be good with you as well.